The Problem
As someone who has found several hubs around the world that feel like home, it’s hard to imagine being in a single place long-term.
The ideal scenario for myself and many that I know would be to live seasonally in the places that feel like home. However, it is impractical to have to purchase a home in every place - and what a waste that would be if it’s empty for most of the year. On the other hand, it’s a bit of a hassle to have to find a new place to live every time you return to that hub.
Recent events in our world have amplified the power of remote work, so there are even more people now that would find this to be a preferable lifestyle. So what if there were a way for communities to organize?
If you have a home somewhere, I have a home somewhere, and our other friend also has a home somewhere else - let’s organize and plan locations as a collective. Think of your own community’s AirBnb without the need to pay per night and with a shared schedule that allows you all to co-locate.
Key insights
⚡️ Social connections are core to our wellbeing
⚡️ Nomadic lifestyles are on the rise
⚡️ Multiple homes or hubs are becoming preferable
The Solution
HubHomes is a web-app for friends who have homes in different places. It provides a way for people to form home networks and book out their homes amongst their communities. A hub isn’t a home without the people that make it such so you and your nomadic friends can also plan your co-location.
As an organizer, you can add and remove members from your group. As people become more nomadic and places become more seasonal, this is a way for communities of friends to keep track of their upcoming plans.
Key Features
Design Principles
Design Inspo
MVP Concept
Super simple, create a website using Wix for instance and talk to your friends to see who would be down for this, and actually do it. Do your friends have no homes around the world they could add to this list of Hubhomes? Then look elsewhere, find the right people out there, the nomads that value community.